Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas MAT-PDOA
The Challenge

A-G’s staff was engaged to lead the program evaluation design and implementation for the expansion of VOACC MAT services in the District of Columbia (DC). This work is funded through a grant awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SMAHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT).

The MAT grant was awarded in September 2021. A-G will develop and execute the evaluation plan, compile reports for SAMHSA, and coordinate program participant data collection at intake, at 6-month progress reviews, and at discharge by administering the CSAT-GPRA Core Client Outcome Measures tools. A-G will serve as the program evaluation partner for the VOACC-Washington DC region throughout the five-year grant.

More than 400 consumers will receive MAT services along with wraparound case management. Participants who are at the greatest risk of opioid overdose in DC will be targeted for services, and special attention will be given to referral to a primary care physician, engagement in supported employment, and intervention for housing uncertainty.