MCAT for the Maryland HSCRC
The Challenge

A-G Associates serves as a subcontractor to The Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland Baltimore County to coordinate the development of the Medicare Claims Analytic Tool (MCAT). Under this contract, A-G Associates, Hilltop, and ServBeyond Solutions, support the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) in their efforts to develop the MCAT. The MCAT will be an instrumental tool for Maryland’s Total Cost of Care (TCOC) Model which sets a per capita limit on Medicare total cost of care in the state and aims to ensure that all Marylanders receive the nation’s best health care.

A-G supports each critical phase of the project by engaging key stakeholders through the coordination of a series of technical and project review meetings. A-G also supports the deployment and transition services, including coordinating training sessions for user rollout during the pilot phase and the full user release. The product under this contract will automate the aggregation, visualization, and report generation of Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) claims data for the state of Maryland.

A-G Associates successfully planned and executed over 50 meetings during the first year of this contract and hosted daily scrum meetings with the MCAT team to manage requirements, timelines, and deliverables. In addition, A-G transitioned the MCAT team to virtual meetings due to COVID-19, while keeping the project on track.