Center for Mental Health Services
The Challenge

A-G collaborates with CMHS to discuss ways to make it easier for people to access mental health programs; encourage a range of programs, such as systems of care, to respond to the increasing number of mental, emotional, and behavioral problems among America’s children; support outreach and case management programs for the homeless Americans; and ensure that scientifically-established findings and practice-based knowledge are applied in preventing and treating mental disorders.

A-G’s staff works closely with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Mental Health Services’ (CMHS) efforts in achieving their mission requirements.
A-G supports CMHS as they strengthen the Nation’s mental health system by assisting states to improve and increase the quality and range of their treatment, rehabilitation, and support.

A-G’s staff provides programmatic support to planning committees, by facilitating meetings (virtual, in-person, hybrid). Examples of these meetings include CMHS’s National Advisory Council (NAC); Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC); and National Older Adults Mental Health Awareness Day 2020 webinar, where we had an unexpected turn out of over 3,900 people attend during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our knowledge and expertise contributed to the webinar’s success, as we could accommodate technical issues and support the active engagement of participants.