Ted C. Bonar, Psy.D.

Ted is a subject matter expert at A-G Associates, Inc., a clinical psychologist, and the Executive Director of the Clinical Readiness Project. Ted is a nationally recognized trainer and speaker at conferences and universities and known as a subject matter expert in suicide prevention, lethal means safety, military and Veteran mental health concerns, and post-traumatic stress disorder. He serves on the Healthcare Advisory Committee for PsychArmor Institute, was previously the Director of End Family Fire at Brady, and the Chief of Continuing Education Programs at the Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP).
Ted has spoken at over 300 universities, national conferences, and continuing education events, including special projects for End Family Fire/Brady United, PsychArmor Institute, the Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO), the American Association of Suicidology (AAS), the National Center for Veterans Studies (NCVS), PsychHub, Inc., and the National Council for Behavioral Health.
Ted has held clinical positions at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center in Chicago, The Ohio State University Counseling and Consultation Service, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Counseling Center, and private practice in both Bethesda, MD and Columbus, OH. He was awarded the 2013 Distinguished Alum award by the Illinois School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University/Chicago.
Ted earned his M.A. and Psy.D. at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago Campus. He also obtained a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Miami and had a first career in the music industry, was a professional drummer and teacher, and was a staff writer/editor at Modern Drummer Magazine.